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New report on multiple discrimination experienced by sexual and gender minorities published

Ministry of Justice
Publication date 19.12.2018 9.17 | Published in English on 19.12.2018 at 9.47
News item

A report on multiple discrimination experienced by people belonging to sexual and gender minorities has been published as part of the project Rainbow Rights Promoting LGBTI Equality in Europe, coordinated by the Ministry of Justice. Multiple discrimination experienced by people belonging to different minority, age and disability groups is a sensitive topic that has been researched very little in Finland before this. Information on the forms and consequences of multiple discrimination is needed to enable a more effective intervention in the phenomenon.

Multiple discrimination is discrimination against one person on the basis of more than one prohibited discrimination ground (such as gender, sexual orientation, national/ethnic origin, disability or religion).

The report has been drawn up by Senior Researcher Outi Lepola from the Migration Institute of Finland. In the report, interviewees tell about the discrimination and harassment they have experienced in the different areas of life. Discrimination is particularly challenging for persons who belong to two different minorities, between which there is tension. According to the report, people react to discrimination by retreating from public life and restricting their participation in social events, which leads to a narrower physical and social space in their everyday lives. Based on the report, discrimination seems to be more likely, more continuous and more all-embracing if a person belongs to more than one minority group.

Research data can be utilised in the planning of better-targeted measures for preventing discrimination and promoting equality. Authorities and organisations can also use the results in their efforts to promote equality.


Michaela Moua, Project Manager, tel. +358 29 515 0229, [email protected]
Tommi Palosaari, Project Specialist, tel. +358 29 515 0102, [email protected]

Publication (in Finnish): Koko ajan jännittyneenä. Moniperusteinen syrjintä seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluvien kokemana. 

(Constant tension. Multiple discrimination as experienced by people belonging to sexual and gender minorities) 

Further information on the Rainbow Rights project

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