About the site

The web service of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is published in Finnish, Swedish and English. The pages in Finnish and Swedish contain more information than the English pages. 


The following functions are found in the upper part of each page view:


The search function covers all the material contained by the service. The separate search under the subject heading Press releases can only be used for finding press releases and information letters to local authorities and the search under Publications for finding publications and brochures. 


The feedback given via the feedback form goes to the Ministry's Information and Communication Unit. The processing of matters requiring official measures however cannot be instigated via this feedback form but official mail should be sent to the Registry Office of the Ministry (registratorskontoret.shm@gov.fi)

Language versions

The different language versions are accessible via the links to the language versions at the top of the page view ( På svenska; In English). If there is only a Finnish version of the page, the links take you to the front page of the English or Swedish version.

There is also a link to the language versions, if any, at the top right edge of the contents of each page.

In addition, there is a link in the upper part of the page view to the text version of the web service as well as an enlarge/reduce text function.

RSS feed

The press releases, information letters to local authorities and publications are also available via RSS feed.

Ordering information directly to e-mail 

You can have the Ministry's press releases, webnews, Focus-articles and publications sent directly to your e-mail. The order form can be found both on the front page and under News and Publications.

Legal reservation

We aim to keep the web service up to date. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health does not however answer for any direct or indirect costs or damages incurred through possible errors in the content.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is not responsible for the web material produced by others to which there is a link on the Ministry's website.

Copyrights and linking to the web service

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has copyright on the material published on its website, unless otherwise mentioned.

Links to the pages of the web service may be freely created and texts may be quoted, but the source must absolutely be given.  Other use of the material must be agreed on with the Information and Communication Unit.

Data collection

No such data about the users of the web service is collected which would enable identification of individual users.  Statistics is compiled regarding e.g. the numbers of visitors, the most popular pages and the entry and exit pages. This information is used for developing the web service.

Maintenance of the website

The Information and Communication Unit maintains the web service and is responsible for it.