Preparations for launching a programme for preventing bullying - measures to be implemented during this government term

An action plan will be drawn up to prevent bullying. The programme's measures aim to make sure that it is safe for all children and young people to attend school. At their meeting on Wednesday 21 October, the Ministerial Working Group on Competence, Education, Culture and Innovation and the Ministerial Working Group on Child and Youth Policy decided to start preparing the programme.
An action plan will be drawn up to prevent bullying. The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for the programme and the measures are being prepared together with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The programme incorporates measures to prevent bullying, teacher training and ways to promote the wellbeing of children and young people. The aim is to make sure that every child and young person can attend school safely. At their meeting on Wednesday 21 October, the Ministerial Working Group on Competence, Education, Culture and Innovation and the Ministerial Working Group on Child and Youth Policy outlined the preparation of the programme.
- Bullying and violence at school is not limited to school alone; instead, the whole of society should be involved in preventing bullying and violence at school. We are all working together to take swift and concrete action to counter the problem. Every child and young person has the right to grow up without fear of bullying, discrimination or violence, says Li Andersson, Minister of Education, Chair of the Ministerial Working Group on Competence.
Parliamentary groups are also invited to work against bullying. They will convene in November to discuss the ministries' proposals for measures to tackle school violence, bullying and loneliness. Earlier expert work and a publication on anti-bullying work in schools and educational institutions published on 30 September by the National Agency for Education lend support to the discussions between parliamentary parties.
- I would also like to emphasise the responsibility of adults. We are all responsible for being a role model for children and young people, showing them how people should be treated, says Annika Saarikko, Minister of Science and Culture and Chair of the Ministerial Working Group on Child and Youth Policy.
The measures to be adopted during this parliamentary term will be published in January 2021. The aim is to put the measures into practice during this government term.
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Touko Sipiläinen, Special Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. +358 2953 301 43
Eeva Kärkkäinen, Special Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. + 358 401 492 201
Eeva-Riitta Pirhonen, Director General, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. +358 2953 302 58