The Ministry of Justice prepares the fundamental provisions relating to the Constitution and the public administration. These include the laws regulating the competency of the President of the Republic, the Parliament and the Government and their relations.
The Ministry of Justice is responsible for promoting and monitoring electoral and participatory rights. The Ministry of Justice is the highest electoral authority in Finland and it directs the holding of national and municipal elections and referendums.
The Ministry of Justice is responsible for drafting the Criminal Code and amendments to the legislation concerning enforcement of penalties.
The Ministry of Justice prepares the fundamental legislation in the society. Its special task is to develop legislative drafting in the entire Government.
The rule of law and legal protection »
Ministry of Justice’s main responsibility is to ensure the operation of the rule of law in Finland. The Ministry also drafts the provisions which aim to ensure fair trials and good governance.
The Ministry of Justice prepares the central legislation concerning the legal position of individuals and communities.
International and EU affairs »
The Ministry of Justice takes part in the preparation of EU acts and in developing the union as an area of freedom, security and justice. The Ministry participates in the work of the Council of Europe for developing a pan-European legal order with the aim to promote democracy and human rights.
International Legal Assistance »
International legal assistance is often based on multilateral conventions