The development of legislative drafting
Acts passed by the Parliament are drafted in separate ministries according to their mandate. The Ministry of Justice prepares the fundamental legislation in the society. Its special task is to develop legislative drafting in the entire Government. The aim is to improve drafting of statutes and the quality of the statutes.
Good legislation is correctly targeted, consistent and comprehensible. This objective is pursued by coordinating statute drafting and developing the impact assessment of the statutes.
Legislation that is clear and up-to-date reduces costs for companies and citizens, decreases bureaucracy in the state administration and in the local government, and prevents cases piling up in court.
Cooperative working group for improving law drafting »
The purpose of the group is to continue the cross-sectoral cooperation conducted between the ministries in order to develop law drafting.
Impact assessments support decision-making by producing as reliable assessments as possible of the essential impacts of law proposals.
Consultation refers to a stage of the law drafting process where the key stakeholders' views, knowledge and experiences of the matter under preparation are obtained.
Instructions for legislative drafting »
Instructions and recommendations
Valtioneuvoston lainvalmistelijoille on tarjolla monenlaisia koulutuksia perehdytyskurssista syventäviin teemakoulutuksiin sekä muita keinoja osaamisen kehittämiseksi.
Seuranta ja jälkiarviointi tuottavat tietoa lainsäädännön toimivuudesta ja mahdollisista uudistustarpeista.