Fundamental and human rights

The Ministry of Justice prepares amendments to the Constitution and the fundamental rights provisions laid down in it. The Ministry is also responsible for coordinating the national fundamental and human rights policy.

Fundamental and human rights are universal rights enjoyed equally by all individuals. The Constitution of Finland guarantees fundamental rights for all. Human rights, in turn, are guaranteed by international human rights conventions. The Constitution of Finland guarantees the inviolability of human dignity and the individual's freedom and rights, and promotes fairness in society. Pursuant to section 22 of the Constitution, the public authorities shall guarantee the observance of basic rights and liberties and human rights.

The Ministry of Justice prepares amendments to the Constitution and its fundamental rights provisions. Furthermore, the Ministry coordinates the fundamental and human rights policy in Finland. Each ministry is responsible for the implementation of fundamental and human rights within its own administrative branch. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for Finland’s international human rights policy.

National Action Plan on Fundamental and Human Rights 2020–2023Link to an external websiteOpens in a new tab