Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations Etno

The Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations (Etno) serves as a national forum for dialogue. The Government appoints the Advisory Board for four years at a time. The current term runs from 10 December 2020 to 9 December 2024. Mr. Pekka Timonen, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, chairs the Advisory Board. Besides the national Advisory Board, there are seven regional advisory boards for ethnic relations.

Provisions on the tasks, activities and composition of Etno are laid down in the Government Degree 771/2015. Read more about Etno's tasks in the Government Decree 771/2015 in FinnishLink to an external website or in the Government Decree 771/2015 in SwedishLink to an external website.

The main purpose of Etno is dialogue

The main purpose Etno is to enable dialogue, in other words regular cooperation and better understanding, between immigrants, ethnic minorities, authorities, political parties and civil society organisations.

The members of Etno meet regularly, share information and bring various issues and different perspectives into public debate. Etno strives to promote positive attitudes and good relations between population groups, for example by organising open discussion events and raising awareness of diversity in Finland.

Etno is a network of experts

Etno forms a network of experts specialising in questions relating to migration, integration, equality, participation and influencing opportunities of immigrants, and dialogue between different population groups.

Etno can set up working groups and issue opinions and statements. Etno can also make proposals or act as a partner in research and development projects. Etnos' members participate in the preparation of opinions and in the work of different working groups. By participating in the preparation, it is possible to influence decision-making, legislation and structures of society.

Etno has an advisory role

The Advisory Board may exert influence in society by engaging in public debate and by increasing understanding and knowledge. Etno can, for example, issue recommendations and statements and launch initiatives.

The Advisory Board has no power of decision or executive power. The recommendations issued by Etno are not legally binding.