This page contains materials and publications of the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relation. Documents related to the work of the Advisory Board, such as meeting agendas, are available on the page operation.
Publications by the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations and its partners.
Summary report: NO ONE IS BORN TO HATE – dialogues between young people on racism and discrimination
In September 2023, the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations organised a series of dialogue events where young people and adults discussed the racism and harassment experienced by young people and the impacts of racism on young people’s lives.
Sixteen events were organised in different locations around Finland, and half of the participants (143 in total) were young people and half of them were adults.The report is based on recordings of the discussions.
Governments summary report (in Finnish)
Report: Right to belong — Proposals for strengthening the sense of belonging among multicultural youth in Finnish society
The report proposes measures for supporting the construction of identity and strengthening the sense of belonging among multicultural youth. The report identifies factors that affect the lives of especially multicultural youth and includes suggestions to strengthen their position.
The report is available in the following languages:
- in English: Right to belong - Proposals for strengthening the sense of belonging among multicultural youth in Finnish society
- suomeksi (in Finnish): Oikeus kuulua joukkoon — Ehdotuksia monikulttuuristen nuorten yhteenkuuluvuuden vahvistamiseksi suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa
- på svenska (in Swedish): Rätt att vara en i gänget - Förslag till att stärka samhörighetskänslan hos mångkulturella unga i det finländska samhället
- по-русски (in Russian): ПРАВО БЫТЬ СВОИМ - Предложения по укреплению чувства общности среди мультикультурной молодежи в финском обществе
Guide: Information on bullying at school for parents speaking foreign languages
The guide provides information on bullying, harassment and discrimination and describes how these problems can be addressed. The guide provides parents with easy-to-read information on how to identify bullying situations and how to intervene in them.
The guide has been compiled based on research data and parents’ views on the subject. The guide is produced and published by the Regional Etno in Southern Finland.
The guide is available in the following languages:
- in English: Information on bullying at school
- selkosuomi (in easy Finnish): Tietoa koulukiusaamisesta vieraskielisille vanhemmille
- lättläst svenska (in easy Swedish): information om mobbning för föräldrar med ett främmande språk som modersmål
- ру́сский (in Russian): ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ДЛЯ РОДИТЕЛЕЙ
- eesti (in Estonian): Teavet koolikiusamise kohta
- af soomaali (in Somali): Warbixin ku saabsan kadeediska skuulka
- العربية (arabia) معلومات عن التنمّر المدرسي
- kurdî (in Kurmandzi): Agahî derbarê acizkirina li xwandingehê bo dêbabên biyanîziman