Contact information

Postal address 

Ministry of Justice
PO BOX 25, FI-00023 Government

Visiting address

Meritullinkatu 10, Helsinki


The building has an accessible main entrance. There is lift access to the conference room floor.  There are accessible toilets on the same floor as the conference rooms.

For more information, please contact the reception of Meritullinkatu 10 on +358 295 160 613, or by email at valvomo.meritullinkatu10(at)

Telephone and fax

Telephone +358 2951 6001 (Switchboard)
Fax +358 9 1606 7730

The price for calls to the 029 numbers is the local network fee or the mobile call fee charged by the caller's operator. When calling from abroad, the price is determined by the local operator.

The registry of the Ministry of Justice

Official mail: 
Telephone +358 2951 50320

Documents can be delivered to the Government's mail distribution centre, (address: Ritarikatu 2 B, Helsinki)

E-mail addresses:
In some e-mail addresses the first letter of the person's second forename is placed between the forename and the surname and e-mail addresses are in the form .

If you get a failure notice after having sent e-mail to the Ministry, you are welcome to contact the Media and Communications Unit,, for correct e-mail address. 

Media and Communications Unit 


Media Service:
Tel. + 358 295 150 255 (Mon–Fri 9–16). The number is intended for media use only.

See also web page For media ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Contact information of Media and Communications Unit

Judical system

Contact information of the Judicial SystemLink to an external websiteOpens in a new tab (courts, prosecutors, legal aid, enforcement)

Whistleblower protection

The protection of whistleblowers safeguards people who report certain types of misconduct. Read more about reporting misconducts.