Electronic legal aid application to be reformed – unfinished applications must be finalised and submitted by 1 May 2022

The legal aid e-services will be reformed in the beginning of May. The introduction of a new platform will improve the usability and information security of the e-services.
The e-services of the judicial administration will be transferred to a new platform on 2 May 2022. When designing the new e-services, particular attention was paid to the usability and information security of the system.
Due to the reform, any unfinished legal aid applications must be finalised and submitted for processing no later than on Sunday 1 May 2022.
Once the reform enters into force, all unfinished applications saved as drafts will be removed from the system and finalising them will no longer be possible.
Kirta Heine, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 150 214, [email protected]