Extract on criminal background becomes subject to a charge in the beginning of 2012

Ministry of Justice
Publication date 21.12.2011 6.00
Press release -

The extract on criminal background, which is required of people working with children and can be obtained from the Legal Register Centre, becomes subject to a charge. From the beginning of the next year, the extract will be subject to a charge in accordance with the Act on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State, which means that the size of the charge corresponds to the actual costs incurred from issuing the extract. The charge will be 13.40 euros.

From the beginning of the year 2012, an extract on criminal background is also required of students for on-the-job learning or training that is carried out with children. Students will obtain the extract free of charge.

The extract from the criminal records ordered by a private person for any other purpose, such as for a foreign work or residence permit, is already nowadays subject to a charge.

Further information:
Legal register centre, tel. +358 29 56 65662
E-mail: oikeusrekisterikeskus(a)om.fi

Anna-Maja Henriksson