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Guidebook on good practices in work against hate crime published

Ministry of Justice
Publication date 21.10.2019 10.38 | Published in English on 21.10.2019 at 11.11
News item

The final conference of the Against Hate project coordinated by the Ministry of Justice will be held in Zagreb, Croatia, today on 21 October 2019. The conference will focus on good practices in the fight against hate crime.

At the conference, experts from various sectors will give presentations on well-functioning practices in preventing and tackling hate crime. In addition to the practices of authorities, measures against hate crime taken by civil society actors will also be presented.

A guidebook on good practices will be published at the conference. The guidebook describes different practices that are used in EU Member States to combat hate crime and hate speech. The guidebook also contains a brief description of the legislation against hate crime and hate speech in the Member States and information on the recommendations issued by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).

The Ministry of Justice coordinates the Against Hate project, which aims to make the work against hate crime and hate speech more effective and efficient. The project focuses on the development of hate crime reporting, on the enhancement of the capacity of the authorities, especially the police, prosecutors and judges, to act against hate crime and hate speech, and on supporting victims of hate crime.

The project partners of the Ministry of Justice are Victim Support Finland and three Croatian civil society organisations. The project has received funding from the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union. The two-year project will end on 30 November 2019.

Inquiries: Milla Aaltonen, Project Manager, tel. +358 2951 50061, [email protected]

Guidebook of good practices in combating hate crimes and hate speech

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