Kansalaisjärjestöstrategian toimeenpano 2024–2027

OM003:00/2025 Development

We will develop the operating conditions of CSOs in cross-administrative cooperation. The implementation of the strategy includes legislative projects, studies and reports and other development measures. The aim is, for example, to extend the right to tax deductions on donations to CSOs, to reform government grant practices and to form a vision of civil society.

Basic information In progress

Project number OM003:00/2025

Case numbers VN/2221/2025

Set by Ministry of Justice

Term/schedule 17.1.2025 – 30.4.2027

Date of appointment 13.11.2023

Contact person
Mikko Lehtonen, Erityisasiantuntija
tel. +358 295 150 173

Goals and results

The achievement of the strategy's objectives and the achievement of outputs require action not only within ministries but also across administrative boundaries. We work closely with other projects and programmes during the government term. We agreed on the resources required for the measures separately.

The cross-administrative working group coordinates the implementation of the strategy. The working group has grouped the measures into five packages in the strategy implementation plan, which also supports the evaluation of the strategy and the monitoring of the measures.

Strategy measures

1. Taxation and discretionary government grant practices
2. Vision of civil society
3. Regulation and operating methods
4. EU funding opportunities and CSO application capabilities
5. Interaction with civil society


We will develop the operating conditions of CSOs in cross-administrative cooperation. The implementation of the strategy includes legislative projects, studies and reports and other development measures. The aim is, for example, to extend the right to tax deductions on donations to CSOs, to reform government grant practices and to form a vision of civil society.

Starting points

The Government resolution on the CSO strategy was adopted in June 2024. The strategy based on the Government Programme provides guidelines for the preparation of matters. The implementation of the strategy extends to 2027.

According to the Government Programme, on the basis of the strategy, additional regulation on voluntary and non-governmental activities will be eased, opportunities for developing CSOs' own fundraising will be explored and interaction between the administration and civil society will be improved.

Additional information

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Kansalaisyhteiskunnan tilaa koskevaa tietoperustaa rakentamassa

Ministry of Justice Column 12.9.2024 14.31

Selvitys: Järjestölähtöisiä pankkipalveluja tarvitaan

Ministry of Justice Press release 11.1.2024 14.33

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Ministry of Justice Press release 14.11.2023 14.05