Minister Häkkänen visits London to discuss election interference and topical EU affairs

Minister of Justice Antti Häkkänen will visit London on 27–28 September. The themes of the visit include election interference, topical justice affairs and the status of the UK's exit from the European Union.
During his visit to London, Minister Häkkänen will meet Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice David Gauke. Häkkänen and Gauke will discuss the current situation of the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Topical issues in the field of criminal policy and judicial administration will also be on the agenda.
On 28 September, Minister Häkkänen will talk about Finland's strengths in a seminar concerning election security and hybrid influencing. The event is organised by the Finnish Embassy and it is intended for representatives of the media and think tanks.
Election interference has been actively discussed in international contexts since the 2016 presidential election in the USA and the Brexit referendum in the UK. Trust has a key role in the electoral system, and foreign attempts to influence elections in another country have given rise to concern over the functioning of democracy.
During his visit to London, Minister Häkkänen will meet members of the UK Parliament and representatives of the scientific community and Finnish businesses. Topics to be discussed include current justice affairs and the status of Brexit negotiations. Häkkänen will also visit the National Cyber Security Centre of the UK.
Inquiries: Lauri Koskentausta, Special Adviser, tel. +358 2951 50131