Project Drivers of Equality

OM031:00/2021 Development

The project Drivers of Equality is funded from the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. The aim of the project is to ensure more effective implementation of the non-discrimination legislation, particularly with regard to the obligation of the authorities, education institutions and employers to promote non-discrimination and related non-discrimination planning. The project will also raise awareness about equality and non-discrimination.

Basic information In progress

Project number OM031:00/2021

Case numbers VN/7902/2021

Set by Ministry of Justice

Term/schedule 1.2.2021 – 31.1.2023

Date of appointment 16.4.2021

Goals and results

The aim of the project is to develop tools for non-discrimination and equality planning and for monitoring compliance with the obligation to promote non-discrimination. The project will build awareness of non-discrimination and diversity among key target groups and the general public. Actors obliged to prepare non-discrimination and equality plans will also be provided with better opportunities for mutual learning and support, while cooperation and coordination between key national actors will be enhanced. The aim is also to strengthen local-level expertise and awareness of non-discrimination.

The project will be coordinated by the Ministry of Justice, with the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Office of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman and the City of Helsinki as project partners.

The Drivers of Equality project also supports the Action Plan for Combating Racism and Promoting Good Relations between Population Groups (2021–2023) outlined in the Programme of Prime Minister Marin’s Government.

Drivers of Equality is divided into five work packages, and the Ministry of Justice will be directly involved in the first four of them.

Work package 1: Project coordination and management
Responsibility: Ministry of Justice and other partners

The project portfolio comprises overall project coordination and management, including financial monitoring and continuous reporting in the project portal of the European Commission.

• Meetings of the project steering group
• Intermediate reporting
• Internal quality assurance

Work package 2: Practical tools to promote non-discrimination at local level
Responsibility: Ministry of Justice and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

The aim of the project portfolio is to develop tools to improve the capacity of local-level authorities to identify non-discrimination and equality issues. Municipalities will also be encouraged to use the model of good relations between population groups as a tool promoting non-discrimination.

• Online training on non-discrimination and equality for municipalities (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare)
• Guide to promoting good relations between population groups in municipalities (Ministry of Justice)

Work package 3: Process and monitoring tools to ensure more effective implementation of legislation
Responsibility: Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Non-Discrimination Ombudsman

In the project portfolio, non-discrimination planning and its monitoring are developed into more effective and relevant instruments. Developing a process guide and a national monitoring system will provide a clearer overall picture of the state of non-discrimination plans.

• Process guide for non-discrimination planning (online)
• Information campaign + Kuntamarkkinat fair 2022
• Improving the system for monitoring the obligation to promote non-discrimination

Work package 4: Enhancing mutual learning between non-discrimination actors
Responsibility: Ministry of Justice

The aim of the project portfolio is to make both professionals and the general public more aware of non-discrimination and diversity in the Finnish society. Actors obliged to prepare non-discrimination and equality plans will also be provided with opportunities for joint learning and insights. Cooperation and coordination between key national actors will be enhanced so that actors engaged in non-discrimination work can build up their networks and professional competence.

• Preparing a concept for a diversity event and arranging the event
• A broad-based preparatory network will be assembled
• Cooperation among equality and non-discrimination actors: study visit and international workshop

Work package 5: Local-level pilot on promoting equality and non-discrimination in urban planning
Responsibility: City of Helsinki

The aim is to produce new information and support non-discrimination planning at lo-cal level. It also provides actors obliged to prepare non-discrimination and equality plans with opportunities for joint learning and insights.

• Report on the non-discrimination and equality perspective in urban planning
• Toolkit/guide
• Study visit
• International workshop


The project Drivers of Equality is funded from the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. The aim of the project is to ensure more effective implementation of the non-discrimination legislation, particularly with regard to the obligation of the authorities, education institutions and employers to promote non-discrimination and related non-discrimination planning. The project will also raise awareness about equality and non-discrimination.

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