The Advisory Board on Civil Society Policy informs
An autonomous and dynamic civil society for all
A truly multi-voiced civil society reinforces democracy and the crisis tolerance of society as a whole. In its new strategy, published today, as well as its Govern Programme objectives, the Advisory Board on Civil Society Policy (KANE) emphasises the importance of dynamism and autonomy in our changing world.
With the next parliamentary elections approaching, KANE would like to offer a reminder of the importance of an autonomous and multi-voiced civil society in our country. Our civil society has been shaken up by many changes that require active civil society policies and measures that will protect the civil society and its future.
The chair of KANE, secretary general Kristiina Kumpula of the Finnish Red Cross, stresses the importance of interaction and partnership between civil society and its administrators.
“Finland’s civil society has been traditionally strong, and the conditions for its functioning must be protected. The information and expertise possessed by civil society should be used more in public decision-making. We must secure predictable, long-term funding for civic activity, also with regard to the autonomy of associations,” says Kumpula.
KANE’s new strategy for 2022–2026 has three main goals that KANE emphasises for the 2023 parliamentary elections as well:
- Safeguard and strengthen the autonomy and dynamism of associations and other civil society actors.
- Develop interaction and partnership between public administration and civil society.
- Promote equal participation for all.
In its objectives for the Government Programme, KANE underlines the need for the next government to increase the inclusion of children and young people. KANE considers it to be important that we improve how we listen to the vulnerable and marginalised groups of our society. Civil society must be able to trust in all of its diverse voices being heard. KANE urges the political parties to nominate a variety of candidates: people of different ages (especially younger people) and genders, as well as people from different linguistic, cultural, and other minorities.
Working under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice, KANE promotes interaction between public administration and civil society and maintains the conditions for a functional civil society. KANE includes representatives from Finland’s civil society, researchers, businesses, ministries, and other authorities.
Further information:
Advisory board chairperson Kristiina Kumpula,
Advisory board secretary general, Senior Specialist Maria Wakeham-Hartonen, Ministry of Justice, tel. +358 295 150 416,
Read more:
KANE on the Ministry of Justice website